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‘No family in
Europe beneath the rank of royalty boasts a higher antiquity, a
nobler illustration, or a more romantic interest than that of St.
Sir Bernard Burke ‘A
Genealogical and Heraldic Dictionary of the Peerage and Baronetage’
‘The Lordly line of
high St. Clair’
Sir Walter Scott
A memorable Scottish event began in Greenville, South Carolina, on Friday evening, May 28, 2010, with a high energy Great Scots! parade. Several thousand onlookers enjoyed the parade as H.R.H. The Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex, led the parade, followed by the honored Guest, The Earl of Caithness, Chief of Clan Sinclair and his Clan. After the parade, the Ceilidh, featuring Albannoch and Coyote Run, entertained the crowd at the amphitheatre along the Reedy River.

Approximately 175 members of clans registered for the Greenville Games assembled at the Hilton Hotel for the Annual Clans Reception. Rory Sinclair piped in the haggis and Malcolm Sinclair, Chief of Clan Sinclair, addressed the haggis. Mel Sinclair, a member of the Greenville Games Board of Directors, was MC for the event.
The 5th Annual Greenville Games were held on Saturday, May 29th, at Furman University.
The day opened with perfect Scottish weather, cool and misty. A small tornado had hit the main field the previous night which ripped up many of the clan tents but no one would have known looking around the field at all the colorful banners, flags and tartans. A lot of hard work was done during the night and early morning to permit the Games to go ahead.
At 10:00 am the main stage filled with ladies in their Sunday best and men in kilts and jackets. A number of “feathered ones” were present, including several members of the Society of Scottish Armigers. As a note, Clan Sinclair was well-feathered as the Chief sported his three feathers and Rory Sinclair, President of Clan Sinclair Canada, and Mel Sinclair, President of Clan Sinclair USA, each wore their two feathers as the Chief’s Commissioners for Canada and the USA, respectively.
A hush fell all round the field when several Range Rovers passed behind the stage.
Then the excitement began — a royal blue Rolls Royce convertible glided onto the field and there was Prince Edward in the passenger seat being driven round slowly in front of all the clan tents. Everyone clapped, waved, or took pictures. This was the first time a senior member of the British Royal Family has ever attended a Highland Games outside of Scotland.
Next came the speeches, the anthems and the music of 21 bagpipe bands. A company of the 42nd Royal Highland Regiment (Black Watch) was outstanding. After marching onto the field and acting as guard to the Colors, they, on command, fired a volley in perfect unison. After a shortened version of the clan parade led by the Sinclairs walked past the Royal Box, Prince Edward, Malcolm and Mel walked off the stage and towards the clan tents. Mel’s duty at that time was to escort and introduce the Prince to several of the 60 clans present. It wasn't too long before the Prince was at the Clan Sinclair tent where he spent much longer than at any other tent!
Prince Edward is very nice and I'm glad we all got to meet him.
After he moved on to the Clan Stewart tent, the Clan Sinclair tent got back to the regular fun and frivolity of a Scottish Games. There must have been 100 Sinclairs and St. Clairs in and out of the Clan Sinclair tent during the day. We caught up with some old friends and, hopefully, made some new ones. We even took in some new members.
Saturday evening brought the Clan Sinclair Banquet and AGM. Malcolm, Rory and Mel all gave updates and then we had an awesome Address to a Haggis. Then someone mentioned they had a bottle of Old Pulteney.....What a day — one that none in attendance will ever forget.
Julie Goldsworth, (Commissioner Califonia) edited by Stan St. Clair (Commissioner Tennessee)
Clan Gathering 2010
- 29th July to 4 August
The Gathering will start at Inverness on the morning of Thursday 29th July with a visit to the Culloden Battlefield before
heading north to Caithness. The Halkirk Games will be held on Saturday 31st and the Clan will have its own tent and march
onto the field as part of the opening ceremony. There will be a trip to Orkney and various visits including a day at Noss
Head and Castle Sinclair Girnigoe. After the farewell dinner on Tuesday 3rd August the coaches will return to Inverness on
Wednesday 4th morning. Further information and details of booking can be obtained from Rory Sinclair for those in Canada,
Sindy Barker for those in the USA and Wayne Sinclair for those in Australia. For all others please contact The Chief.
Presentation of
Broadsword Vertshuset Sinclair,
Norway, August 2008

Rt Hon The Earl of Caithness
PC, accompanied by Ian
of Noss Head, presents Jon Selfors of the
Vertshuset Sinclair
with a broadsword for his
Museum to the
Battle of Kringen in 1612 during their visit in August 2008
attending the
Pillarguri Festival.
Clan Gathering
May 2008

Photos © Brian Finch
Here is a selection of
pictures from the Clan Gathering from 22-29 May 2008, which started in
London and finished in Caithness. Details were published in the
Association Newsletters and Magazine.
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