Last updated 22 October 2008 16:45:25 


Year Month Event Description Reference
1790-99 Sir John Sinclair of Ulbster Compiled a 'Statistical Account Dictionary of National Biography
of Scotland'
1791 04-Nov Battle at Wabash River (now Fort Recovery, Ohio, USA) Gen St. Clair, Governor of the Northwest Territories defeated by the largest Indian confederation ever assembled.
1793 04-May Sir James Sinclair 7th Baronet of Mey becomes 12th Earl Cousin of 11th Earl Debretts
1794-1823 James 12th Earl Lord Lieutenant of Caithness Complete Peerage
1793 Sir John Sinclair of Ulbster First President of the Board of Agriculture Dictionary of National Biography
1794 Caithness and Rothesay Fencibles formed By Sir John Sinclair of Ulbster Dictionary of National Biography
1795 Caithness Highlanders formed
1789 01-Jan James St. Clair-Erskine (to be 2nd Earl of Rosslyn) Commander in Chief of the Mediterranean
1801 21-Apr Alexander Wedderburn St. Clair Created 1st Earl of Rosslyn Complete Peerage
1805 02-Jan Alexander 1st Earl of Rosslyn Dies succeded by nephew James St. Clair-Erskine Complete Peerage
    1807-18 James 12th Earl of Caithness Representative Peer of Scotland Complete Peerage
    1807-59 Charles 14th, Lord Sinclair Representative Peer of Scotland Scots Peerage (Paul)
1810 Alexander Bain Born in Watten. Later invented telegraphy
    1810-12 James 2nd Earl of Rosslyn Grand Master Mason of Scotland Complete Peerage
    1811-23 James 12th Earl of Caithness Postmaster General of Scotland Complete Peerage
1814 James 2nd Earl of Rosslyn Created a General Debretts
1818 David Sinclair a convict is first Sinclair to remain in Australia arrived on the 'Morley'
1820 20-May James 2nd Earl of Rosslyn Created a Knight of the Bath Knights of England (Shaw)
1823 16-Jul James 12th Earl dies Succeeded by Alexander 13th Earl, his son Complete Peerage
    1823-55 Alexander 13th Earl of Caithness Lord Lieutenant of Caithness Complete Peerage













Created and maintained by Iain Laird and all rights donated to the Clan Sinclair Trust.
© Clan Sinclair Trust. All rights reserved.